Thursday, November 3, 2011

Something Diffrent (Google Easter Eggs)

Let's have somehing diffrent rightnow, and if you are using the GOOGLE browser and GOOGLE MAPS & EARTH here are some EASTER EGGS:

In your Google browser search bar simply type this (or copy and paste it):

Do a barrel roll

your screen will turn, anyway this suppose to work aswell when hitting "R" or "Z" twice & it seem to be a refering to Ninitendo's Firefox as in the game the Peppy Charachter tells Fox to "Do a barrel roll" and doing so by tapping the R or Z button on the controller!

Also Pretty nice:
IN google maps (should work in earth too) paste in the cordinates bellow and mostlikely u might need to zoom in a lil' like on the other coordinates aswell.

You should end up in france, scroll in to find out that your next door neighbour owns a jet, is it such a bad neighbourhood? :D


Crop fields 1:

44°40'52.79"N 10°19'6.39"E

Weird field 2 (looks like a secret military place or what ever to me) but see the David star or sunflower looking what ever crop field like down to bottom left?:


This one says Coca Cola in the middle of no where, is it a CC fabrik in the bottom near to the logo:


You are bored seaching threw the browser regulary, then you might wanna try these languages

Elmer Fudd / Loony Toons

Klingonian / Star Trek

Bork / Muppets Show


and right here you seem to be able to change your font in the browser (haven't tried it yet, just to let you know)

Google Fonts


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